Post Production
By Sigurjon F. Gardarsson (Compositor)
Post Production #1
Shot from LazyTown Extra.
Frisbee was imported into Fusion as a 3D model. The Frisbee was animated in Fusion 3D space and composited.

Post Production #2
Shot from LazyTown Season 2 "The LazyTown Circus".
Two green screen shots combined with rope extensions.
Done in Fusion.

Post Production #3
Shot from LazyTown Season 2 "The LazyTown Circus".
3D yoyo's added. The strings were warped into position on Sportacus' hand to be always connected in the same place.
Done in Fusion.

Post Production #4
Shot from LazyTown Season "Trash Trouble".
Multiple CG trash balls and explosions composited. Recoil of the canon barrel animated and particle trash rain generated with Fusion and added.
Done in Fusion.

Post Production #5
Shot from the television series LazyTown Extra.
Keying and rotoscoping as well as room enhancements and the floor's color changed. Room was all 3D except for the floor the girls are standing on. Keying was difficult as the girls were pale and reflected green on skin as well as the costumes were pink and motion blurred edges became flesh toned.
Done in Fusion.